Monthly Archives: March 2015

Poisoned Mind


Nightmares and monsters swirling around, the peace in my head is nowhere to be found. I cannot escape these thoughts of dred, some of them saying dont you wish you were dead. But I don’t wish I were dead, I don’t  want the monsters to win. I need to cleanse my mind from all others sins. Take away what’s  been done  and stay here not run. I don’t want to hide inside my swirling mind where evil has been built from outside. Within, I just need whatever light inside left not to dim. I need my mind to shine, I need to fill it with light, and rid the demons inside in order to survive. I will do it because I am stronger than the evil knows; all the guts from the demons I will expose.. I will bring their darkness to light and I will win this disturbing dark fight. Because In order to survive I need to do what’s right. I have the light inside and when I’m done I’ll be the one to survive. Standing there strong in my own mind. Taking control of everything they stole from me; I’ll be the last one standing, with a smile, just wait and see!!!